In last week’s blog post we explored various ways that leaders can keep the vision of their company alive and well. For example, leaders should make an effort to tie policies and procedures back to the vision, eliminate activities or projects that don’t support it, and cultivating a culture that embodies the corporate vision. If you would like help establishing a vision within your company, I am happy to help you through our leadership coaching programs.

Multiply Your Vision

Vision will fade if a leader is its sole supporter. This is particularly true if you lead a large organization. Vision thrives only when everyone believes it and collectively promotes it. It must multiply beyond yourself so you’re not its only curator. Every employee must become its ambassador, passing along a passion for it.

Make sure your people are “all in,” compelled to nobly promote the cause in lieu of focusing on self-interest. When your character reflects a concern for others over yourself, your vision writes a compelling story that people trust, believe, and adopt. Enthusiastic followers are voluntary promoters, often without realizing it.

Your vision also multiplies when you reward compliance. Lead by example so your behaviors, attitudes and performance are contagious. Celebrate achievements that reinforce the vision, as Andy Stanley suggests. Publicly recognize people when their accomplishments steer the organization closer to your vision’s reality.

Let people know that you expect them to make the vision their central focus. When each person is commissioned to fulfill the vision through clearly stated policies and practices, the seeds produce a bigger harvest. Use performance assessments to review people’s support for the vision in their work.

There’s no need for one’s vision to stall or die out. When you keep it fresh and alive, you can steer your organization toward accomplishing every goal. As always, I would love to hear from you. I can be reached here or on LinkedIn.

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