In last week’s blog post we took a look at some of the stereotypes surrounding leaders, and the expected behaviours/attitudes of successful leaders. An aggressive, self-serving leader is generally seen as powerful, competent, and productive. We assume this “taker” is a person who will work their way up the corporate ladder effectively. On the other hand, leaders that put their needs last, are seen as week, interdependent, and insecure. These “givers” are generally viewed as being unlikely to advance in their careers. In this week’s blog post we’ll be taking a closer look at the deception about taking.

The Deception About Taking

The premise regarding those who try to claim as much value as they can is that they get what they want. They have an intentionality that achieves goals and maximizes opportunity. Takers make things happen for themselves, and for the most part, those around them, as they take advantage. We’ve seen this happen all the time.

This is an attempt to gain, with a narrow focus on personal benefits. The costs are secondary, and often discounted. However, the position that seems advantageous at face value is rarely advantageous at all—for those reporting to the taker and even for the taker themselves. This is the deception of the taker’s way.

Leaders who are takers are self-promoting and self-protective. They take credit that may belong to others and spin things in ways that benefit their position. Employees have little difficulty spotting this. Eventually, the leader becomes known for this and the responses of those around them are not favourable.

Takers grow to earn the disrespect of those they work with because of the maneuvers they make. No one likes to be taken advantage of, or have their work claimed by their boss. Other leaders are often affected as well, and word spreads.

Takers may be envied by some, due to their apparent favour with higher leaders. Others may resent them. Both responses fashion enemies. People subject to a taker sense the detriment to their own careers, and that is about as negative a feeling as possible in the work setting.

Overall value in the group declines, due to the draining of motivation and ambition from its members. The long-term career prospects for a taker are compromised because team performance suffers and turnover rises. Leaders who are responsible for this fallout eventually develop negative reputations that excuses cannot defend.

It’s deceiving. Amazing skills, training, and drive are often considered the recipe for stardom. What often appears to be a leader who has the world at their command is someone who suffers from a damaged success ladder. The damage is self-inflicted—all because of a poor way of treating people. The leader doesn’t recognize the long-term effects of taking from others.

I hope this week’s post has given you some insight into the damaging effects of a leadership based on taking from others. In next week’s blog post we’ll be taking a closer look at the surprising benefits of giving. As always, I’d love to hear from you. I can be reached here or on LinkedIn.

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