In our last blog post we looked at the importance of handling stress in a healthy manner for our overall emotional wellbeing. Filtering out stress and negative emotions becomes easier when trials are treated as situations requiring calm rather than reflex. The key is to get better at making thoughtful, constructive responses rather than automatic reactions.

Thinking Positively

Do you see assignments as opportunities or burdens? Are you typically optimistic or cynical? Do you forgive people, or hold onto grudges? Do you spend your time seeking solutions, or blame? The detrimental side of these questions is prompted by unhealthy emotions, caused by a negative mindset.

Develop a more positive outlook. Making unjustified assumptions or judgements leads to unfortunate decisions. Leaders who rely more on facts and past experiences find healthier solutions. A positive outlook is the key to the most positive results. It also inspires positivity in others.

Learning to filter negative emotions brings forth more positive, helpful ones. This creates a more inviting and engaging culture, where people and their perspectives are valued. Become an expert in your emotional state. A leader who is emotionally healthy has the most opportunity to head a healthy organization.

The herd and I are here to help you hone your emotional intelligence, and learn how to take control of your state of mind. You’ll be amazed at the changes in all aspects of your life once you learn to be more aware of your emotional health.

As always, I would love to hear from you. I can be reached here or on LinkedIn.

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